Workshop on Matter-Wave Interferometry
February 13, 2019 11:29 amThe Venue Participants Accommodation Scientific Programm Social Event Presentations

Group picture Atominstitut, Vienna, Friday 24 May 2019 at 10:03
The 2nd Informal Workshop on Matter-Wave Interferometry was held in the beautiful city of Vienna on Thursday May 23th and Friday 24th 2019 at the Atominstitut (TU Wien) located at Stadionallee 2, 1020 Wien, Österreich (15 minutes by cab from the Vienna International Airport – VIE). This workshop continued the series started by the 1st Informal Workshop on Matter-Wave Interferometry, which has been held in at the Joint Quantum Institute, University of Maryland, College Park, MD, in autumn 2016. Aim of the workshop series is to bring together workers in matter-wave interferometry to discuss new scientific opportunities and prospects for collaborative research on fundamental quantum physics.
For further information pls. contact stephan.sponar@tuwien.ac.at
Below you can see the group picture of the 1st informal workshop on matter-wave interferometry, September 30-October 2, 2016 in College Park, Maryland sponsored by The Joint Quantum Institute.
Participants from left: Stephen Eckel, Maria Solyanik, Dmitry Pushin, Valery Nesvizhevsky, Tim Kovachy, Dusan Sarenac, Andrei Afasanev, Benjamin Heacock, Albert Roura, Benjamin McMorran, Samuel Werner, Dennis Schlippert, Helmut Rauch, Markus Arndt, Alex Cronin, Danny Greenberger, Yuji Hasegawa, Charles Clark, Stephan Sponar, Hartmut Abele, David Cory, Michael Huber and Muhammad Arif.