November 9, 2015 12:54 pmANuBIS is an acronym standing for Austrian Neutron Beam Interferometer Station. The interferometer instrument is located at a direct beam port of the 250 kW TRIGA reactor at the Atominstitut – TU Wien, Vienna (Austria).

Location in the reactor hall (left) and schematically illustration (right)

(left) before and (right) after installation of new sample positioning environment, Dec 2017
(left) New laser alignment system, sample holder and temperature sensors (installed Jan 2018). (right) New detector system 0.25 inch high precision detectors for time correlation measurements (installed Feb 2019). More picture of our recent experiment investigation the 4 symmetry of neutrons with 3d printed magnets can be seen here.
Latest Upgrade: (left) New stage for motorized collimators. (right) Translation and rotation stages for collimators in O- and H-beam (installed June 2020).
Wenzel Kersten, Laurids Brandl, Richard Wagner, Christian Huber, Florian Bruckner, Yuji Hasegawa, Dieter Suess, and Stephan Sponar, Additive-Manufactured and Topology-Optimized Permanent-Magnet Spin Rotator for Neutron Interferometry, Physical Review Applied 12, 014023 (2019) or [quant-ph/1810.13225 ].
Richard Wagner, Laurids Brandl, Wenzel Kersten, Stephan Sponar, Yuji Hasegawa, Christian Huber, Florian Bruckner and Dieter Suess, 3D printed magnets for neutron spin manipulation, EPJ Web Conf. 219, 10008 (2019).