‘Quantum for ever’ – A symposium to honor H. Rauch’s 80th birthday and the designation of the Atominstitut as an EPS Historic site
February 14, 2019Helmut Rauch, pioneer of neutron interferometry and doyen of modern quantum physics in Austria turns 80 this year. We have organized the symposium ‘Quantum for ever’ in his honour. The symposium will be held at the Atominstitut – TU Wien (Stadionallee 2, 1020 Vienna Austria) on Tuesday May 21st and Wednesday May 22nd 2019. As a highlight of H. Rauch’s 80th birthday symposium the European Physical Society (EPS) will designate the Atominstitut and the neutron interferometer as an EPS Historic Site. The unveiling of the commemorative plaque will be celebrated in a festive setting on Wednesday May 22nd at 10 a.m. and is an integral part of our two-day event.