A Greenberger–Horne–Zeilinger (GHZ) state 1 is an entangled quantum state involving at least three subsystems (particles) and was first studied by Daniel Greenberger, Michael Horne and Anton Zeilinger in 1989. The GHZ state has extremely non-classical properties, which manifest not only a statistical violation, as it is the case for violations of Bell’s inequality, but in a contradiction between quantum mechanics and local hidden variable theories. The GHZ argument is independent of the Bell approach, and shows in a non-statistic manner that quantum mechanics and local realism are mutually incompatible. The general form of a GHZ state of M > 2 subsystems is given by . The simples form of a GHZ state is a tripartite entangled system, where the objects are spatially separated, being an element of the product Hilbert space and given by . Here and (or correspondingly and ) are the eigenstates of with the corresponding eigenvalues +1 and -1, and . Next local spin measurements, for different orientations, are performed. For example for a -measurement, the observables , and are measured on the corresponding composite system, which is illustrated below.
An easy way to calculate the expectation value is to decompose the GHZ-state in the eigenfunctions of the measurement operator: in the case of a measurement system A in y-basis, B in y-basis and C in x-basis. For photons we get in the in rotated basis with polarization along ±45° , . Right and left circularly polarized photons take the form , and . This finally yields:
Another important property of the maximally entangles GHZ state is that if a measurement on one of the subsystems is performed in such way that it distinguishes between the states 0 and 1, i.e., a -measurement, the system will be left behind in a unentangled state. Dependent on the result the state is given by or , for results -1 and 1, respectively. On the other hand if the measurement on the third particle is carried out in another basis, for instance x, a completely different behavior is observed. The GHZ state can be written as . Independent of the result, in either case, the end result of the operations is a maximally entangled Bell state.
The second class of so called non-biseparable three qubit states is found by the W-state 2 (biseparable means that one can find a partition of the parties in two disjoint subsets A and B, expressed as , or in other words is a product-state). In its original form a W-state is defined for three qubits and given by . It is impossible to transform the W-state into a GHZ state applying local quantum operations. An interesting property of the W-state is if one of the three qubits is lost, the state of the remaining 2-qubit system is still entangled . This robustness of W-type entanglement contrasts strongly with the GHZ state, which is left in a fully separable state after one of the three qubits is lost (see above). The generalized form of the W-state for m qubits as a quantum superpostion with equal expansion coefficients of all possible pure states in which exactly one of the qubits in an “excited state” ( ) which can be written as .
1. D.M. Greenberger, M.A. Horne, A. Shimony and A. Zeilinger, Am. J. Phys. 58, 1131 (1990). ↩
2. W. Dür, G. Vidal, and J.I. Cirac, Phys. Rev. A 62, 062314 (1990). ↩
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