November 16, 2016 Published by

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Welcome to the website of the Neutron Interferometer workgroup of the Atominstitut – TU Wien (Vienna, Austria), part of the Neutron- and Quantum Physics group. The dual nature of neutrons – in some respect a particle, in other respect a wave – is manifested by highly counterintuitive effects observed in neutron interferometry, which we apply to explore fundamental phenomena as well as paradoxes of quantum mechanics. We are an experimental group and our main scientific interests are devotes to fundamental topics in the field of quantum mechanics such as for instance,  quantum contextually and quantum entanglementweak measurementsuncertainty relations and topological phases.


latest four-plate silicon perfect crystal neutron interferometer

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latest update: Jun 24, 2024


October 24, 2016 Published by See how our group is organized and with whom we are cooperating.


January 27, 2016 Published by Our group offers lectures, laboratory practice, as well as thesis for diploma and doctoral students.


January 25, 2016 Published by

Pictures and videos from our experiments at our own instrument S18 located at the Institut Laue Langevin (ILL) in Grenoble, France and from our setup at the Atominstitut – TU Wien in Vienna, Austria.